Description | Making sure there is music to dance to |
Number of volunteers | 1 or 2 (dependent on time) |
Manager Volunteers | Tom Eugelink |
Report at | Tournament desk (instructions well before start of shift) |
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Manager. Before ending your shift, please take a moment to guide the person taking over and explain what needs to be done. If after 5 minutes past your shift the next volunteer has not arrived, you should inform the Manager Volunteers. Thank you for your support in keeping everything running smoothly!
What to do?
There will be one volunteer for this. The teachers of the workshops know that they can choose to play music themselves via their phone, or they can ask for your help. They will supply you with the right music. Just ask them at the beginning of the hour (or beforehand) if they need you or not, and how they would like you to help them.
There are two of you for this shift, so you can work together and stay on top of everything very accurately. Plus, it gives you the flexibility to take a quick bathroom break if needed.
How to operate the music system
Ruben van Osch will give you detailed instructions and shows you how everything works right before the start of the tournament. Please report to the tournament desk for this instruction well before the competition commences. All songs for all heats are already pre-set for you, so you will basically only have to make sure they are started and stopped at the right time.
From whom do I take directions
Please only do as instructed by this information page or if one of the following people instructs you otherwise:
- The tournament chairman (Berit Quist)
- The presenter (Emilie Klaver or Vincent Kroeze)
- Someone from the orga team (You will recognize them by their vests)
How do I know how many heats there are?
You can find this in the competition live timetable. However, please pay close attention to the presenter and the tournament desk in case there are changes.
How long do I play?
- Qualification rounds: up to 1:15m
- Other rounds (except finals): 1:20 - 1:25m
- Finals: 1:25 - 1:30m
Do note that the timing only starts from the first danceable beat. (This includes an intro with rhythm, but not one without) The tournament desk can choose to deviate from these timings.