Registration closed
As of today, November 10th, 2024, the registration for the European Festival for Dancing Dinos is closed. We have reached the maximum number of participants that we can accommodate. We are looking forward to seeing you all in January!
Selected - What does it mean for me?
It means that you have a spot at the EFDD! Roar! 🦖 It also means that you are now obligated to pay the participation and hotel fees.
Payment deadline
The payment deadline in the email is wrong. It should be: 21 November.
Please check your email to see the next steps! 📧
Not selected - What does it mean for me?
It means that you are on the waiting list. 🦕 If there are any cancellations, we will contact you as soon as possible. If you are no longer available or there are any conditions to you remaining on the waiting list, please let us know as soon as possible.
What if you still want to come? Are there visitor tickets?
Unfortunately, there are no visitor tickets available for the EFDD. We want to keep enough space for the participants to enjoy the event to the fullest. We'll be sure to host another one next year, so keep an eye out for the registration opening! Please check your email for a small token of appreciation for registering.